John Banovich, Banovich Wildscapes Foundation, Bubye Valley Conservancy, June 2017
John Banovich, Banovich Wildscapes Foundation, Bubye Valley Conservancy, June 2017
John Banovich, Banovich Wildscapes Foundation, Bubye Valley Conservancy, June 2017
"BVC is perhaps the most successful lion recovery story in modern times. What was once a cattle farm is now one of the top game areas in Zimbabwe. From just 16 lions brought on a few decades ago there are over 500 today which is the densest lion population in Southern Africa. Well done to Blondie Leathem and his team for making a difference in lion conservation and thank you for sharing the beauty of this place with me. I can not wait to create some epic paintings from BVC!" - John Banovich, Artist/Conservationist
As well as creating works of art depicting the beauty and diversity of African wildlife, Banovich is a tireless conservationist. Through his career as an artist, Banovich works to promote a deeper understanding of the world and its wildlife, encouraging both conservation efforts and awareness of endangered species. In 2007 he founded the Banovich Wildscapes Foundation, a nonprofit organisation which fosters efforts to conserve wildlife and habitat as well as helping the surrounding communities. The foundation supports twelve projects in seven different countries. A percentage of sales from Banovich limited edition print canvasses benefit the Wildscapes.
Banovich is passionate about lions and has studied themfor decades. We were delighted that he chose to explore BVC and draw inspiration from our lion, who will be portrayed in a stunning work of art. We spent a week photographing two separate prides and were very lucky to have some spectacular sightings and opportunities to watch them interacting.
Banovich’s works are celebrated and collected globally, and highlight the importance of protecting wildlife around the world. To explore his works please click here and visit his website.
“Now more than ever, we need to expand the message about the vital importance of the world’s natural places and utilize the forceful role that artists can leverage in the efforts to conserve them. Through my artwork, I hope to move, reveal and inspire people to seek a deeper understanding of the world around us and bring together groups of individuals to unite on a common ground. Our natural world is severely threatened and with this increased pressure, a new paradigm must emerge...artists, conservationists, sportsmen and environmentalists must come together in areas of overlapping interests. — John Banovich, Artist/Conservationist
Photographs by Touran Reddaway