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Kenya - Supported since 2010

The Soysambu Conservancy in Kenya strives to sustain wildlife species, indigenous livestock and habitat; supports local conservation initiatives; facilitates neighboring community development and educates the community about the value of its wildlife and environment, in order to preserve the Rift Valley Ecosystem for the benefit of future generations. 

In 2010 BWF helped to arrange a large grant for Safari Club International Foundation (SCIF) Humanitarian Services to improve the conditions in the communities near Soysambu Conservancy in Kenya. This donation was personally implemented by Humanitarian services director, Gene Rurka, where he traveled to Kenya and immobilized a large support group of community members whom together provided school desks, microscopes, efficient cooking stoves laying 3 kms of pipe to provide clean water, a large water tank and building materials.The dispensary provides essential medicines and medical services for about 6,000 people all over the region.

BWF has also contributed to a Primary School Food Program whereby approximately 115 children benefit from receiving a hot lunch daily at school. Stretching the funds as much as possible, the previous school lunch consisted of a type of porridge with milk and sugar....and with continued funding, the school lunch program has added a more nutritious lunch of Githiri (corn and beans).

"When I visited the dispensary with my good friend, Kat Combes, she showed me the final work that needs to be done in order to open this important dispensary. We had to help...another example where a little money can go a long way in order to hlep make a difference in the lives of people in rural Africa." - John Banovich
